Excellent 20 acre tract of land for sale located inMcCulloch County to be surveyed off of a larger tract. This property is made up of level land with several elevated homesites that offerincredible views to the North and West. Tiger Creek is a seasonal creek which bisects the property for approximately 1500 feet.The terrain andvegetation arediverse and supports a variety of wildlife toinclude Whitetail Deer, Turkey, hogsand much more. Texas ingeneral is rich in history, and this parcel has plenty ofstories to tell. Signs of Texas Ranger and cattle drivecampsfrom the 1800s still exist on the property and add a certainelement of mystique and character that cannot beduplicated.
LOCATION: This beautiful property in southeasternMcCulloch County is the perfect place to build a home orto simply enjoy the natural beauty and views that this part of the Lone Star State has to offer. This land l...
LOCATION: This beautiful property in southeasternMcCulloch County is the perfect place to build a home orto simply enjoy the natural beauty and views that this part of the Lone Star State has to offer. This land lies justabout2 miles southeast of Voca, Texas, with roadfrontageon the west side ofFM 1851, which is a pavedcounty road. The small community ofBrady(population5,355) is less than15miles west onHighway 71 andishome toanumber ofgreat restaurants,commercialshopping (including Walmart), and beautiful Brady Lake isnearby. The Hill Country communities of Llano and Masonare a mere 30-minute drive from the property as well.
TERRAIN:The property isfairly levelwith elevationsranging from a high of just over1,550feet above msl onthesouth boundary to a low of approximately1,530feetabove msl in the northeast corner alongFM 1851. Onthehighpoint ofthe property,the ground is fairly levelproviding for easy access to several possible homesiteson top with incredible,long-distanceviews to the NorthandWest. (See maps)The property features large shelfrock tiers that lie just above Tiger Creek.Carvings in some of thelarge rocks date back to the 1800s, whenaccording tolocal legendthis area was used as a camp location by for the Great Western Trail cattle drives,military wagon trains, and Texas Rangercompanies.
VEGETATION: The property boasts a variety ofvegetation, mainly woodedsavannah with large mature
post oaks, live oaks, native persimmon, some black walnutalong the creek area as well as a few sparse junipers andmesquites.Native grasses include little bluestem,blackgrama,side oatsgrama,and curlymesquite grass.Someimproved lovegrass that was overseeded in years pastcan also be found on the property.
WATER: TheHickory Sandswater strata is thought to bein the50 - 200foot range from the surface, depending onif the location is on the hilltop or in the valley land.Waterproduction from nearby wells range from75gpmto300gpm. Consulting with a local water well drillershould answer any water well questions. Water welldrillers for the area include:Magill Drilling and Water WellService in Mason, and Thomas Water Well Service inBrady.
SOIL: The soils areField Creeksandy loamand Lone Oaksandyloam withrockier Hye and Acove soils near thecreek.
ROADS: The primary entrance to this tract is right offof paved FM 1851. While there are no permanent roads on theproperty itself, it would be very easy to install.
UTILITIES:Tri-EagleElectricistheprovider in thearea. There is high speed fiber optic internet available along FM 1851. Cell service is best on the hilltops andlikely not as strong in the valleys.
WILDLIFE: Wildlife in the area includes whitetail deer,feral hog, grey fox, raccoon, opossum, squirrel,coyote, rabbit, skunk, dove, turkey, and bobwhite quail. There are occasional Axis deer that roam the area.
TAXES: For 2021 the property is taxed Ag Use taxation.To continue Ag Use or Wildlife taxation, the new propertybuyers will need to apply withMcCullochCounty.
MINERALS:Seller will convey what he owns. There is nomineral or oil and gas lease in effect at this time.
EASEMENTS:There are no known easements on thistract.
DEED RESTRICTIONS: There are minimal deed restrictions.
NOTE: The above information has been deemed correct,but is not guaranteed and is subject to changes,corrections, and/or withdrawal from the market withoutprior notice. The Owner and Broker make norepresentations, warranties or disclosures as to theproperty except as to title. The property is as is, where is;with all faults and without warranty, representation orguaranty, express or implied, as to the condition or fitnessof the property.
Approximately 2 miles SE of Voca, TX off of FM 1851.