ONE-OF-A-KIND BLACK HILLS HIDDEN TREASURE!! 10 acre lot on paved North Rochford road that has USFS on 3 sides and a year round North Fork Rapid Creek running through plus the Mickelson trail running the length of the property. In the heart of northern hills best recreation areas for both summer and winter sports. A spectacular retreat away from the world yet straight off a paved road for the ultimate in privacy and access. So rare to have a live creek running through, too. So rare!! This 10 acre piece will need to be platted off a larger piece so closing will need to be flexible to allow for the survey/platting process. Exclusive offering! See associated docs for info on crossing trail & driveway.
From Highway 85 south of Lead, turn south on N. Rochford Road. Drive for approximately 8.3 miles to property on the right.