Join us on open house dates of September 12th, 13th,29th and 30th from 8:00 A.M until Noon for Tract permitting.
Vaughn-Roth Land Brokers is extremely honored to represent the family and members of T.R. McKinley Inc. with the marketing and sale of their ranch holdings in Norton County, Kansas. The McKinley brand is an iconic one in the cattle industry, both on its own and in conjunction with the well-respected McKinley-Winterbrand of decades past. We will be offering these parcels in two separate tracts via online auction. Tract 1 contains 313 acres more or less and Tract 2 contains 2,223 acres more or less.
Tract 1 is located just southeast of Norton and is a tremendous representation of high-quality short-grass and mid-grass pasture. The grass types are mainly composed of Sideoats Grama,Blue Grama, Buffalo, Little Bluestem andan impressive amount of Big Bluestem and Indian ...
Tract 1 is located just southeast of Norton and is a tremendous representation of high-quality short-grass and mid-grass pasture. The grass types are mainly composed of Sideoats Grama,Blue Grama, Buffalo, Little Bluestem andan impressive amount of Big Bluestem and Indian Grass as well.Water appears to be in good supply here with a very productivewindmill with twotanks in the east-central portion and a sizable wet-weather pond that typically holds water during the rainy season inthe south-central portion.Thetwo water tankstransfer to the Buyer. The barbed-wire fences are anattractive attribute on this tract with the northand west perimeter fences rated as excellent, the east fence rated as adequate to goodand the south fence rated as mostly adequate. There is a grazing tenant in place who would be interested in continuing to lease the property if the Seller desires.
If you are interested in expanding your cattle operations or investment portfolio, this is an opportunity you wont want to miss. Parcels of this quality and contiguous acres of Native grass dont come along often and it may be another hundred years before they change hands again. Please give Cameron Roth a call at 785-917-0867 to set up a tour or join us on open house dates of September 12th, 13th, 29th and 30thfrom 8:00 A.M until Noon for Tract 1, weather permitting.
Minerals: The Seller's mineral interests transfers to the Buyer.
Possession: Possession shall be at closing with the tenant's cattle to be removed prior to that date.
Taxes: $584.42
Driving directions from Norton, KS: Take Hwy 36 east for 4.5 miles to Road E5 and turn south. Proceed 2.75 miles to Road O and turn east. Proceed 1/2 mile and property begins on the north side.
Brief Legal: A tract in the E1/2 of 10-03-22 West of the 6th P.M. in Norton County, Kansas.