LOCATION: 3 miles west and 3 miles south of Smith Center, Kansas. (Access provided by M Road from the south)
DESCRIPTION: NW1/4 NW1/4 Section 7-T4S-R13W; and NE1/4 NE1/4 Section 12-T4S-R14W of the 6th P.M., Smith County,
DESCRIPTION: Smith County records indicate a total of 76.9 acres. The farm consists of very productive dry cropland, along
with heavily wooded grassland that is bisected by Beaver Creek. Farm has excellent agricultural and
recreational amenity.
AGENCY INFORMATION: Total Cropland - 30.4 acres
Government Base Acres - Corn 15.05 acres with PLC yield of 101 bu/acre
Wheat 15.05 acres with PLC yield of 36 bu/acre
SOILS: Cropland soils consist primarily of Class I McCook silt loam, with a lesser amount of Class II Roxbury silt loam.
Wooded grassland soils consist of Roxbury loam, and silt loams, along with Wakeen and Holdrege silt loams,
with ...
with slopes of 3-20%.
TAXES: 2016 Real Estate Tax - $548.52
LIST PRICE: $140,000.00
COMMENTS: Do not miss this opportunity to own an excellent recreational property which also offers agricultural income.