Own this vast 4.48-acre property we have for sale in San Bernardino County. CA. This property is perfect for those who are looking to build their home away from the hostility of the city. Nestled just 25.6 miles east of Barstow, this gem is indeed a great spot for your next home. Newberry Springs is the community where the property is located.
Newberry Springs is well known for the Cliff House station and cabins, the old Henning Motel and Bagdad Cafe; the Whiting Brothers (Dry Creek) Service Station and Poes Caf and the Mojave Water Camp More local landmarks are the Rock Art at Newberry Cave (you'll have to find it first) and Pisgah Crater. Don't miss the "Pistachio Festival" during November.
What are you waiting for? Call us now to learn more of the offer!
Cash Price: $15,000
Option 1: $1 down and $177 a month for 144 months
Option 2: $1 down and $226 a month for 96 months
Option 3: $1 down and $261 a month for 78 months
Parcel Number: 0531-171-46-0000
County: San Bernardino
State: California
Parcel Size: 4.48 acres
Legal Description: PARCEL MAP 1609 PARCEL 1
City: Newberry Springs
Zip Code: 92365
GPS Center Coordinates: 34.854113, -116.646192
GPS Coordinates (4 Corners):
34.854511, -116.647277
34.854510, -116.645182
34.854458, -116.645119
34.853691, -116.645123
34.853691, -116.647284
Elevation: 1829 ft.
Access to Property (Dirt or Paved): Paved
Zoning: Rural Living-5 Acre Minimum
Terrain: Flat
Time limit: None
Tax Amount: $61.83
HOA: None
Water: We Finance Water Systems - Ask Us For More Information
Sewer: Would need to install septic
Power: In the area
Doc Fee: $300