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Level Land South

Level Land South Tract is a rural property with great topography. It lies south of Hwy 184, about halfway between Antreville and Due West, in a quiet, rural area of northern Abbeville County.

Almost all the land is forested, with loblolly pine planted in 2021 and now in its fourth growing season. These young trees are healthy and growing fast. Hardwoods mixed with pine surround gullies along part of the northern property line. The land is all wooded except for roads and trails.

Soils are mostly sandy loam and are productive for timber and wildlife openings. Over much of the property, soils would be productive for larger fields and pastures if desired. Topography is very gentle over most of the land. About 75 percent of the property is classed as useful farmland (USDA soil class for farmland of importance). Thus, the land could lend itself to a variety of uses. Soil maps indicate that septi...

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