11.79 Acres for Sale in Berkshire County Massachusetts!
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Address: Whitcomb Hill Rd, Florida, MA 01247
Cash Discount Price: $29,900.00
County: Berkshire
Acres: 11.79 Acres (Raw Land)
Coordinates: 42.6797 -73.01194
Parcel #: FLOR-000021-000000-000017
Yearly Taxes: $306.00
Elevation: 1609 ft.
Legal Description: Beginning at an iron pin set in the easterly line of Whitcomb Hill Road, at the southwest corner of land now or formerly of Whitcomb Summit, Inc. as shown on a plan entitled "Plan of Land William Hill, Noel Lussier, Rog...
Legal Description: Beginning at an iron pin set in the easterly line of Whitcomb Hill Road, at the southwest corner of land now or formerly of Whitcomb Summit, Inc. as shown on a plan entitled "Plan of Land William Hill, Noel Lussier, Roger Lussier, Florida, Mass., By: Newton Surveyors, Inc., Herrel Street, Morrisville, Vermont", and recorded in the Northern Berkshire Registry of Deeds as Plan 114, Drawer 9;
Thence on six (6) courses in the southerly line of said Whitcomb Summit land, as follows: S 87 21' 39" E, 150.20 feet to an iron pin; N 63 33' 16" E, 178.33 feet to an iron pin; S 86 16' 19" E, 171.91 feet to an iron pin; S 61 46' 36" E, 478.67 feet to an iron pin; S 67 26' 09" E, 213.48 feet to an iron pin; S 75 56' 19" E, 165.72 feet to a point in the northerly line of a New England Power Co. right -of-way as shown on said plan, at its common intersection with said Whitcomb Summit land and the parcel herein described and conveyed.
Thence turning and running S 67 41' 02", 1034.60 feet in the northerly line of said New England Power Co. right-of-way to a point in the easterly line of said Whitcomb Hill Road which marks the southwest corner of the parcel herein described and conveyed;
Thence turning and running in a northwesterly and northerly direction, 754 feet, more or less, in the easterly line of said Whitcomb Hill Road, to the place and point of beginning. Being Parcel 19 as shown on said plan and containing 11.79 acres, more or less. A portion of said Parcel 19 being Lots 177-184 on a plan entitled "Plan of Property in Florida, Mass. Prepared for Harry S. Patten by Nichols and Meunier, Inc., 60 Jackson St. Holyoke, Mass. Scale 1" = 100' June 1971", which plan is filed in said Northern Berkshire Registry of Deeds as Plan 93 in Drawer 9.
County Planning and zoning phone #: (413) 662 2448
Survey info: No survey available
Does this property have an HOA?: No
Elementary school: Abbott Memorial
Middle school: Abbott Memorial
Phone # for electric company: COLONIAL POWER GROUP 508-485-5858
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