Pricing Details:
Cash Price: $34,000
Owner Financing Available
$7,013 Down & $660/Month
Inquire with us for alternate financing options
Property Details:
Parcel #: U074-0034
County: Bibb, GA
Parcel Size: 4.0 acres
Location: 3475 Riggins Mill Rd, Macon, GA 31217
Legal Description: N/A
Property Dimensions:433.23 ft x 296.90 ft x 462.77 ft x 545.69 ft
GPS Center Coordinates: 32.834994467319355, -83.56813297399303
GPS Coordinates (4 Corners):
32.835823134236186, -83.56842884485896
32.83521757071164, -83.56719984280045
32.83442077030774, -83.56740467647688
32.83442077030774, -83.56892196296886
32.83501359048923, -83.56889920367148
Elevation: 494 ft
Access to Property (Dirt or Paved): Paved Rd
Zoning: R-1A
Terrain: Slope
Time limit: 6 months
Tax Amount: $459.44 (2021)
Water: Yes by Macon Water Authority - 478-464-5600
Sewer: Yes by Macon Water Authority - 478-464-5600
Power: Yes by ...
Power: Yes by Georgia Power Company - 888-655-5888