This is high Chihuahuan Desert grassland and mountain property studded with interesting outcrops of rocks and large trees, creating a scenic wonderland. The ranch has amazing vistas of the city of Alpine with views of the entire region, including the Davis and Glass Mountains. Elevations range from just over 5,000 feet to 4,400 feet, creating a landscape of rolling hills with high flats and steep canyons. Approaching Stagecoach Ridge Ranch from within Sierra La Rana is from well-maintained roads with buried electric service and an exceptionally beautiful maintained exclusive subdivision. There is a road that circles the ranch, taking you from the high country and down into valley floors and up canyons. There are many areas for new roads that will broaden the use and access for this scenic ranch.
Stagecoach Ridge Ranch is dominated by mile-high grasslands of Cane Bluestem, Blue G...
Stagecoach Ridge Ranch is dominated by mile-high grasslands of Cane Bluestem, Blue Grama, and Sideoats Grama with rhyolite palisades mountains studded with Juniper and Emory and Grey Oaks. Excellent grasses and Chihuahuan Desert plants provide habitat for the native animals, livestock and the people who live there. This is historic ranching country and represents some of the best cow/calf range in West Texas.
Because of the diverse habitat with native grasses, brush, boulders, trees, and mountains there is an abundance of game and non-game animals and wildlife on Stagecoach Ridge Ranch. This is big mule deer country with lots of blue quail and mourning dove, making this a hunters paradise. There are also smaller animal and bird species found here like javelina, fox, ringtail, mountain lion, hawks, hummingbirds, Montezuma quail, and a variety of neotropical songbirds. Native trees, brush, and grasses provide excellent habitat for these species and many native birds and other non-game animals.
Stagecoach Ridge Ranch has an existing windmill and one surface tank. Several watering troughs come from within Sierra La Rana as well as the ranchs windmill to distribute water for wildlife and cattle.