A secluded recreational/hunting property located in the sand hills of Caldwell County near the community of McMahan. This 160-acre tract is heavily wooded with rolling topography with multiple high points and long-range views. The deep sandy soils make it easy to clear, giving the new owner a blank canvas to create their own paradise less than an hour from Austin, 1.5 hours from San Antonio, and 2.5 hours from Houston.
555 Altamira Ln Dale, TX 78616
15 miles to Lockhart, 18 miles to Luling, 28 miles to Bastrop, 48 miles to Austin, 75 miles to San Antonio, 148 miles to Houston, and 40 miles to Austin Bergstrom International Airport.
Land & Water
This property is in the sand hills of Caldwell County, which is known for deep sandy soils, great topography with big views, and lots of Post Oaks and Pines. A uniq...
This property is in the sand hills of Caldwell County, which is known for deep sandy soils, great topography with big views, and lots of Post Oaks and Pines. A unique plant species on the property is the Dwarf Pawaw which is the only larval host to the Zebra Swallowtail Butterfly. These Pawpaws produce a small fruit that has a banana-like taste and texture. Pawpaw are native to the area but limited in abundance. The land is about 90% oak woodland and 10% native pasture. This closed canopy woodland has hundreds of Post Oaks, Pines, and Blackjack Oaks and provides excellent cover for whitetail deer and hogs. There is over 80 elevation change across the property. This rolling topography provides multiple high points with scenic long-range views. Multiple creek drainages traverse the tract, including the headwaters of Big Sandy Branch. Two small ponds are located on the southern portion of the property, which serve as a crucial water source for the local wildlife. The owner has found numerous stone projectile points confirming the use of the property by early Native Americans. There is even rumored to be a silver mine on the property dating back to Spanish colonization according to the owner.
Trees observed on the property include Post Oak, Blackjack Oak, Bluejack Oak, Loblolly Pine, Hickory, and Eastern Red Cedar. The midstory is comprised of Gum Bumelia, Pawpaw, Mustang Grape, Lantana, Horsemint, Queens Delight, Golden Wave Tickseed, Texas Paintbrush, Yaupon, American Beautyberry, Buckleys Yucca, Frostweed, and Dewberry. The grass layer is comprised of Little Bluestem, KR Bluestem, and Paspalums.
Improvements & Utilities
The property is perimeter-fenced, with the eastern boundary being high-fenced. The remaining boundaries are fenced with typical 5-strand barbwire in fair condition.
Bluebonnet Electric is available along the southern boundary. Access is off Altamira Ln, 20 easement that connects to Sand Hill Rd. An inactive pipeline easement crosses the southern portion of the property from east to west. Feeders and blinds belong to the lessee and will not convey.
The seller owns a portion of the mineral estate and may convey a portion with an acceptable offer. See listing broker for details.
The property is qualified for Agricultural Valuation. 2022 taxes were approximately $96.40
Basic necessities can be found 20 minutes away in Lockhart or Luling. Take your pick on Saturday which famous BBQ place youre going to enjoy. The property is located within Lockhart ISD.
***Buyer Agents must make first contact and be present at all showings to participate in 50% commission split. If this condition is not met, Buyer Agent split is at sole discretion of Grand Land Company.
From Luling take Hwy 183 North to FM 86 turn right and go 13.3 miles, then right onto FM 713, go 1.2 miles, then right on Sand Hill Rd, go 2.6 miles to Altamira Ln, entrance on the right.
From Lockhart head south on HWY 183 to FM 20, turn left and go 4.2 miles, then right on FM 713 E, go 7.2 miles, then right on Sand Hill Rd, go 2.6 miles to Altamira Ln, entrance on the right.