117 Acres! A real farm in five parts! Part 1 is 22.24 acres, with a nicely renovated 4 bedroom, 2 1/2 bath home, detached garage/workshop, outbuilding, four 40 x 500 chicken houses (built in 93 but partially upgraded and contracted with Perdue), two older chicken houses 40 x 300 [non-operational but one has concrete tanks and infrastructure inside for a 300,000 gallon fish breeding option], manure shed and some trees. Part 2 is a 4.80 acre, perc-approved, cleared building lot. Part 3 is a 4.02 acre, perc-approved, cleared building lot. Part 4 is a 4.00 acre, perc-approved, cleared building lot. Part five is 82.2 acres, about 90% tillable, has some trees and a big pond and a 924 Square Foot single-wide mobile home. The big pond is a great place for gatherings, campfires, camping or a good place to go to just clear your head and get away from it all. You can even try your luck catching a b...
117 Acres! A real farm in five parts! Part 1 is 22.24 acres, with a nicely renovated 4 bedroom, 2 1/2 bath home, detached garage/workshop, outbuilding, four 40 x 500 chicken houses (built in 93 but partially upgraded and contracted with Perdue), two older chicken houses 40 x 300 [non-operational but one has concrete tanks and infrastructure inside for a 300,000 gallon fish breeding option], manure shed and some trees. Part 2 is a 4.80 acre, perc-approved, cleared building lot. Part 3 is a 4.02 acre, perc-approved, cleared building lot. Part 4 is a 4.00 acre, perc-approved, cleared building lot. Part five is 82.2 acres, about 90% tillable, has some trees and a big pond and a 924 Square Foot single-wide mobile home. The big pond is a great place for gatherings, campfires, camping or a good place to go to just clear your head and get away from it all. You can even try your luck catching a bass! Work from home, raise chickens, have a big garden, have some farm animals, catch a fish every now and then, hunt deer and turkeys and small game, and enjoy farm life!
From Denton, MD, take Rt. 404 East, turn right on Rt. 16, Harmony Road. Go through small community of Harmony then look for number on mail box on the right. Do not enter the farm without an appointment with an agent.