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Trophy Whitetail Farm In The Wabash River And Big Creek Bottoms

This must-see farm is located in the Wabash River bottom, a very well-known area in the county for trophy whitetails. It has been strictly managed for the last 15 years for big mature deer. It has a gated access point off Iron Bridge Road, allowing you to sneak in quietly. Most of this property is WRP and has a good balance of overgrown grasslands, thick tree plantings, high open hardwoods, and big timber along the river. The current owner has planted fruit trees along the north side to provide a variety of food sources. The river makes a great travel corridor forcing the deer to travel east and west, while Big Creek forces them to travel north and south. The property is very unique, with two large drainage systems running through it. There is no shortage of tall native grasses providing great bedding areas and nesting for the turkeys. The tall mature timber along the river and creek als...

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