The tract consists of almost all upland pine timberland with
two ages of planted pine stands. A 14 Year Old Pine Plantation which Has Not yet been thinned offers
immediate timber revenue opportunity to the buyer. While the 2009 Plantation, offers long term
growth potential with long range harvest opportunity. A very small portion of the tract is located in
roads and stream zones and an additional area has recently been clearcut and is ready for planting.
Timber Stands - The forest type acreage breakdown is as follows:
127 Acres of Age 14 Pine Plantation - In Need of Thinning
67 Acres of 2009 Plantation
29 Acres of Recent Clearcut
7 Acres of Pine/Hardwood Timber and Stream Management Zones
The remaining acres lie in Road/Utility Rights of Way and a Small Pond
The 14 Year Old Pine Plantation is ready for a 1st Thinning Operation as soon as possible. The general
stand stocking levels are ...
stand stocking levels are at about 150 Sqft of Pine Basal Area with an average tree diameter of about 7”
and average tree height of around 45 feet. Already, the development of this pine pulpwood stand into
chip-n-saw quality trees is apparent, the growth of which will be boosted through a thinning operation.
The tract has a rolling topography with sandy loam soils which offer both good tree growth and favorable
wet weather logging opportunity. The soil types, coupled with the great road frontage, enhance the
marketability of timber products from this tract.