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Privileged Lot, Full Vegetation, Power In Wild Horse Mesa, Colorado

Full vegetation and greeny on this lot, powerlines run right in front on the road as you can see by the pictures. Great spot for camping or your vacation home. Love the outdoors, wild horses & sunny days; then is lot is for you!

Wild Horse Mesa subdivision is located approximately 12 miles south of San Luis, in the County of Costilla, in Southern Colorado. It is a sunny, fertile & alpine valley which is about 150 miles long and 75 miles in width, surrounded by the Sangre de Cristo, San Juan & La Garita mountain ranges.

Wild Horse Mesa is home to about 150 wild mustang horses (as the name suggests). They roam all throughout the mesa, so dont be surprised when you run into them or if they pay you a visit on your lot. They are descendants of horses used by the conquistadors (Spanish explorers), which arrived in the Americas in the 1500s.

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Las Vegas, NV

(702) 745-8545

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