The County Road #310 tract will be offered by lump sum sealed bid on Friday, June 6, 2014, at 3:00 p.m.
Kingwood Forestry Services, Inc. has been authorized to manage the sale of a timberland property containing 196 acres, more or less, in Dallas County, Arkansas.
Location: The County Road #310 tract is located three (3) miles west of Tulip and eight (8) miles northeast of Manning and is further described as the E of the SE, Section 26, Township 7S, Range 16W, containing 80 acres more or less; E of the NE, NW of NE, Section 35, Township 7S, Range 16W, containing 120 acres more or less, LESS AND EXCEPT: Beginning at a point on the north side of highway where the west line of the NW of NE, Section 35, Township 7S, Range 16W, intersects said highway and running north 150 feet; thence run east 381 feet, thence run south 600 feet to intersection on the north side of highway, thence alone...
Location: The County Road #310 tract is located three (3) miles west of Tulip and eight (8) miles northeast of Manning and is further described as the E of the SE, Section 26, Township 7S, Range 16W, containing 80 acres more or less; E of the NE, NW of NE, Section 35, Township 7S, Range 16W, containing 120 acres more or less, LESS AND EXCEPT: Beginning at a point on the north side of highway where the west line of the NW of NE, Section 35, Township 7S, Range 16W, intersects said highway and running north 150 feet; thence run east 381 feet, thence run south 600 feet to intersection on the north side of highway, thence alone the north line of right-of-way 567 feet to the point of beginning containing 4 acres, more or less; subject contains an aggregate of 196 acres, more or less, Dallas County, Arkansas.
Tract Description: Native pine and hardwood of good quality. Frontage on Dallas County Road #310, plus internal woods roads. A branch of Tulip Creek crosses the tract. Soils consist of Guyton, Sacul-Sawyer and Smithton-Pheba association with site index for loblolly pine averaging 80 - 85 feet on 50-year base. Excellent opportunity for timber investment and forest recreation.
Merchantable Timber: Kingwood Forestry Services conducted a variable radius (10 BAF prism) inventory of merchantable timber (one point / acre) with sixteen (16) cruise lines running east and west (2 chains x 5 chains). Based on the inventory conducted by Kingwood Forestry Services in April, 2014, tree counts and volumes are estimated as follows (187 timbered acres):
Pine Sawtimber: 6,131 Trees; 924,100 Board Feet; 7,259 Tons
Red Oak Sawtimber: 141 Trees; 22,300 Board Feet; 189 Tons
White Oak Sawtimber: 44 Trees; 7,900 Board Feet; 65 Tons
Gum Sawtimber: 27 Trees; 3,500 Board Feet; 29 Tons
Misc. Sawtimber: 55 Trees; 5,400 Board Feet; 47 Tons
Pine Pulpwood: 3,211 Trees; 285 Cords; 761 Tons
Hardwood Pulpwood: 9,039 Trees; 899 Cords; 2,695 Tons
Due to variations in cruising methods, utilization standards and scaling practices, tree counts and timber volumes cannot be guaranteed. Volume tables in tons are included; Board Feet tables are available upon request.