Sealed Bid-North Jacinto Tract

The North Jacinto Tract (#03019-03450), which contains approximately 40 acres, is located in the southern part of Dallas County, Arkansas, about fifteen miles northwest of Fordyce, AR (North 33.916797, West 92.644619). Access to the tract is good via logging that enters the property near its northeast property corner. The logging road is off a gravel timber company road off Dallas County Road #202. The tract is well drained due to its gently rolling terrain. Most of the tract, approximately 37.6 acres, were planted in loblolly pine in 2007. The other 2.4 acres contain hardwood located along Sand Creek which runs through the northeastern part of the tract. According to USDA NRCS soil survey information the tract is contains mostly Guyton Pheba silt loam soils, which give the property an excellent weighted average site index of 90 feet for loblolly pine (base age 50 years). If youre...

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United Country - Neeley Forestry Service

Camden, AR

(870) 617-1384

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United Country - Neeley Forestry Service, (870) 617-1384
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