LOCATION: 9636 Kelly Cemetery Road, Maceo, KY (ten miles northeast of the Owensboro Beltline). From the intersection of Hwy 405 and Kelly Cemetery Road in Maceo, take Kelly Cemetery Road northeast .5 miles to the property. Watch for signs!
Since I have moved to Lexington, I have authorized Kurtz Auction & Realty Company to sell the following:
Tract #1 – 3 Bedroom Home on .901 Acres
• Three Bedrooms
• Two Full Baths
• Eat-in Kitchen
• Living Room with Fireplace
• Dining Room
• Sun Room
• Central Heat and Air Conditioning
• Newer Two Car Garage
• Workshop
• Grain Bins as well as Separate Storage Building
• Tract is 178.53’ x 222.59’ Deep
Tract #2 – 6.933 Acres
? “U” Shaped Tract with over 366’ of Total Road Frontage
? Horse Barn
Tom Blue cherry dining room table with two leaves; six c...
Tom Blue cherry dining room table with two leaves; six cherry dining chairs; oak dresser with mirror; glass front book case; white iron queen sized bed; small chest; floral sofa and chair with end tables; display stand; Department 56 Original Snow Village; Gene Gray, Morehead and other prints; Karastan rug; Frigidaire refrigerator; Frigidaire freezer; kitchen utensils; toaster oven; glassware, dishes, Christmas ornaments; lamps; chest; wardrobe; rugs; books; couches; bicycle; picnic table and other household items.
Cub Farmall tractor; Farmall A tractor; Kubota T1670 riding mower; John Deere 140 riding mower (needs clutch); wheel barrows; blower; paint sprayer; table saw; ladders; air compressor; Troy-Bilt tiller; battery charger; welder; drills; saws; sanders; trailer load of air dried walnut lumber; many hand tools and various workshop items.
Savage 16 gauge semi-automatic, vintage Japanese assault rifle, Winchester .22 rifle, High Standard “Sport King” .22 cal. pistol.
TERMS: Real estate: 10% down day of sale, balance in 30 days. Real estate taxes will be prorated. Purchasers have 10 days prior to sale for lead based paint or other inspections. Tract 2 is leased for hay for the remainder of this farming season. Personal property: Cash or check day of sale.
Auctioneer’s note: Though Dolly and Gabe Mattingly purchased this home in 1959 and raised their family here, they continually updated and remodeled to keep it in tiptop shape. Take a look, make your financial plans and be with us on May 28th, ready to buy. Call me for more information.
-Clay Taylor
KURTZ AUCTION & REALTY COMPANY 1-800-264-1204 1-270-926-8553
9636 Kelly Cemetery Road, Maceo, KY (ten miles northeast of the Owensboro Beltline). From the intersection of Hwy 405 and Kelly Cemetery Road in Maceo, take Kelly Cemetery Road northeast .5 miles to the property. Watch for signs!