Location: 3 miles north and 1 mile west of Overton on hard surface and gravel roads. (Located at the
intersection of Road 756 and Road 443)
Description: NE1/4 (less a 6.02 acre tract in the E1/2 NE1/4)
Section 2-T9N-R20W of the 6th P.M., Dawson County, Nebraska
Description: Dawson County Assessor indicates a total of 148.73 acres. Farm consists of gravity irrigated cropland that is bisected by heavily wooded
Buffalo Creek. (Access to the southern portion is provided by a perpetual roadway easement across the excepted out acreage to a bridge which crosses the creek)
Information: Total Cropland - 134.0 acres
Government Base Acres - Corn 81.8 acres at 135 bu/acre
Yield is for both direct and counter cyclical payments. All cropland is considered non-highly erodible by the NRCS.
Information: Water for irrigation is provided by tw...
Information: Water for irrigation is provided by two wells. Well information is as follows:
Well #1 Well #2
Well Registration 007540 007539
Completion Date 1/16/1980 6/1/1941
at 1,100 gpm at 350 gpm
Well Depth 300’ 40’
Static Water Level 21’ 12’
Pumping Level 70’ 35’
Column 8” 6”
Pump Fairbanks Morse Layne Bowler
Power Unit General Electric 25hp U S Motors 15hp electric
Control Panel General Electric Cutler Hammer enclosed in well
Farm is located in the Central Platte Natural Resource District, and contains 133.29 certified irrigated acres
Soils: The soils of the cropland consist primarily of Class I Cozad and Hall silt and silty clay loams with a small amount of Class II Rusco silt loam. Slopes range from 0-1%.
RE Taxes: 2008 - $3,181.08
List Price: $425,000.00 Cash
Comments: This is a productive farm bisected by heavily wooded Buffalo Creek. Portions of this property have rural home site development potential.