This property located in Deaf Smith County, is 651 +/- acres. It consists of 302+/- acres cultivated dry land and 349+/- acres of grass with a small set of livestock pens and a shed. Perimeter and internal pasture fencing is 5 strand barbed wire and cedar posts. All fencing is in fair to good condition. The views overlooking Palo Duro Creek on the North side makes this property perfect for your dream farm home with plenty of acreage for livestock operations. There is also potential for development of homes with some acreage. Currently there is one electric well used for livestock water (Seller states will pump 30 GPM) and 4 abandoned wells (Seller has no knowledge of condition of these wells).
Property can be accessed from Canyon going West on US Hwy 60 approx. 3 miles to the FM 1062 cut off, then approx. 9 miles to Westline Rd. go North for 2 miles on partial a...
Property can be accessed from Canyon going West on US Hwy 60 approx. 3 miles to the FM 1062 cut off, then approx. 9 miles to Westline Rd. go North for 2 miles on partial all-weather road to CR 18 and then West 1 mile. Access from Hereford, Tx going East on US Hwy 60 to FM 809 at Dawn, go North approx. 7 miles to CR 18 then 1 mile East on partial all-weather road.
Approx. 7 miles North of Dawn, Tx on FM 809 then 1 mile East on CR 18