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Size: 969.2 Acres
Home: 4 beds - 2 full baths - 1,620 Sq Ft

Buck Run Ranch

REDUCED PRICE!! Located in the middle of "big deer" country this property provides a unique opportunity to enjoy a true all-around ranch. The property has excellent brush diversity which includes mesquite, lime prickly ash, black brush, granjeno, mountain laurel, kidneywood, cenizo, knife leaf condalia, coma, prickly pear, paloverde and white brush. Large native mesquites and hackberries along the creeks and drainages provide excellent cover for the diverse wildlife this property has to offer.

This ranch has been intensively managed for trophy whitetail deer since 2005. With this intense management along with supplemental feeding, the ranch has produced multiple bucks in the 170 to 180 B&C range. There is also a small number of fallow deer and black buck antelope on the property along with a healthy population of Rio Grande Turkeys, wild hogs, doves and quail. The property also ...

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