THE PROPERTY/LAND USE:The farm has 323 deeded acres (Farm Service Agency mapping will show 321.61 acres) with the following land use:
102 acres of dryland cropland currently in production that will be planted to winter wheat by the tenant. Buyer to receive landlord's possession. Crop share lease. 42.83 acres FSA designated as cropland but grown back to grass for wildlife.
133acres of fenced pasture with hydrant from water pipeline plus stock pond
14.41 acres of Conservation Reserve Program (CRP)
Balance in wildlife habitatfor deer, pheasant, and quail. The farm has a history for harvesting trophy caliber whitetail bucks as thepartially timbered canyon on the north side of the farm is a natural corridor for bucks moving off the Republican River valley.
Acreages provided by Furnas County Farm Service Agency. FSA aerial map attached in "Documents".
LOCATION:Approximately 5 miles south...
LOCATION:Approximately 5 miles southeast of Edison in South Central Nebraska at intersection of County Roads 717 and 431.
LEGAL DESCRIPTION:W1/2, Section 13, T-3-N, R-22-W, Furnas County, Nebraska. 323 deeded acres.
321.61 acres farmland. 159.21 cropland. Wheat PLC yield of 52. Corn HIP yield of 46.
Wheat: PLC yield of 52. Base acres 26.38.
Corn: HIP yield of 46. Base acres of 73.26
CONSERVATION RESERVE PROGRAM (CRP):Two small fields totaling 14.41 are enrolled in CRP with annual rental fee of $62.02per acres. CRP contract expires September 30, 2026.