The Buch Ranch at Hall has been in the same family for 40 years as part of a family operation located in one of the most productive and scenic areas of Montana. This area has an average of 12-15 of precipitation a year, with an elevation of 4200. The location has the advantage of good precipitation without the more severe climate of ranches in higher elevations. This property consists of approximately 1100 deeded acres along with a Forest Service 102 head permit, which is conveniently located within trailing range of the home ranch. The ranch currently has 350 acres of hay production, producing 600-800 tons of native hay, and another 200 acres approximately, that is sub- irrigated. The remaining deed is range. The ranch has exceptional water rights out of Flint Creek, with an efficient flood irrigation system. The improvements consist of two mobile homes and and farm house, and calving s...
The Buch Ranch at Hall has been in the same family for 40 years as part of a family operation located in one of the most productive and scenic areas of Montana. This area has an average of 12-15 of precipitation a year, with an elevation of 4200. The location has the advantage of good precipitation without the more severe climate of ranches in higher elevations. This property consists of approximately 1100 deeded acres along with a Forest Service 102 head permit, which is conveniently located within trailing range of the home ranch. The ranch currently has 350 acres of hay production, producing 600-800 tons of native hay, and another 200 acres approximately, that is sub- irrigated. The remaining deed is range. The ranch has exceptional water rights out of Flint Creek, with an efficient flood irrigation system. The improvements consist of two mobile homes and and farm house, and calving shed, shop and Quonset for equipment