Bear Creek South
Location: This property is located approximately 4 miles west of Prairie City, Oregon. It is east of Portland, Oregon 282 miles and west of Boise, Idaho 180 miles.
Acreage: 1497 deeded and 240 acres BLM inside property fence lines.
Water: Bear Creek runs along the east side of the property for 2 miles. This is a year round creek. There are 9.4 acres of water rights out of Bear Creek along some of the small meadows that run parallel to the creek. A few springs can be found throughout the property that could be improved and used for livestock and wildlife.
Terrain: The property varies greatly from the bottom to the top. The low land consists of sparsely treed with Juniper and large openings and transitions to the center where it is heavily treed with Juniper. The upper property has some pine and fir while still being mixed with Juniper. Most of the ground is rocky with a few s...
Terrain: The property varies greatly from the bottom to the top. The low land consists of sparsely treed with Juniper and large openings and transitions to the center where it is heavily treed with Juniper. The upper property has some pine and fir while still being mixed with Juniper. Most of the ground is rocky with a few small meadows and areas that could be planted with dry land alfalfa or other wildlife crops.
Wildlife: Deer will be seen while viewing the property. It is also obvious that elk are on the property by the amount of tracks and sign that is also there. This property is located on the East Northside unit and will have 3 buck LOP tags and 3 bull LOP tags. This property does also qualify for cow elk tags from August 1stMarch 31st of the following year.
Overview: This property is close to town and has great access off of highway 26 and Bear Creek road. There are 240 acres of BLM that is fenced in with the property that brings the total under fenced acreage to 1737. It also borders the National Forest on its northern boundary.
Price: $645/acre or $973,000
Owner will consider offers to carry a contract, with significant down payment and approved credit.
All information is deemed reliable and correct from the owners and representatives. No guarantees are made or implied. A prospective purchaser is expected to carefully investigate and verify the above information as well as all matters affecting the property.
Wilburn Ranch Brokerager