Situated at the base of the RawahMountains, in the southeast corner on Northpark,OwlMountain Ranch offers ample water rights, a rustic western cabin, summer livestock pasture, great big game hunting, close by gold water trout fishing, all in one off the most scenic places in Colorado.
The log cabin is 3500sf and has a true western feel and is accessible year round. It offers 5 bedrooms, 6 bathrooms, and is the ultimate setup for a family retreat and or hunting camp. The open floor plan offers a large family room with rock fireplace, large kitchen meant to accommodate many guests and a front and back porch to sit and relax while overlooking huge views of the surrounding mountain ranges. Additionally the cabin comes partially furnished and can currently sleep up to 20 people comfortably.
Nestled at base ofOwlMountain, the property has 280 acres at an elevation of 8700ft. Mostly open pastu...
Nestled at base ofOwlMountain, the property has 280 acres at an elevation of 8700ft. Mostly open pastures intermixed with pine, willow and aspen groves, the property offers a diverse habitat for big game in the summer, fall and winter. Ample water rights irrigate the pastures which could be utilized as summer pasture for horses or cattle. The water rights could also be used to augment ponds, for wildlife enhancement and fishing. Historically the hunting on the property has served well for the vast number of wintering mule deer and elk in the area. Additional opportunities on Arapahoe National Forest, BLM land, State Park land andOwlMountainState Wildlife Area are all within 5 miles of the property, and could serve for additional hunting, horseback riding, hiking, and outdoor activities.
The current owners currently lease an additional 7,000 acres for hunting. Which may be available to the future owners. Call for details on the lease.
Northpark is known for its big game hunting and it's gold medal trout fishing. From the top of the Rawahs to the sagebrush meadows and everything in between offers some of the best big game habitat in the west. Gold medal fishing is around every corner in Northpark including the Michigan River, Grizzly Creek, Dalanie Buttes and multiple high alpine lakes. Species include Browns, rainbows, bookies and native cutthroat trout, call Northpark home. In addition RockyMountain National Park and Steamboat Ski Resort are close destinations to the ranch.