There are 1,607 acres in one block located in Judith Basin County 18 miles west of Hobson and 12 miles south of Stanford. Access is by state highway and 3 miles county gravel. Pastures are well sodded and have a good cover of native and improved grass species. The property is fenced into three pastures and supports summer grazing for 125 +/- cow calf pairs. Property is well watered with developed springs, over a mile of Sage Creek, an unnamed creek, natural springs and 3 smaller reservoirs. Annual precipitation is 16-17 inches, elevations are 4700 to 5000, and soils are a variety of loam and clay loam complexes. Wildlife on the property and in the area are mule deer and upland birds. It appears that land along Sage Creek could be tilled for hay or improved grass species good for both livestock and wildlife.