300 acre ranch only 33 miles from Dallas. Incredible area for hunting deer, hogs, and other wildlife. Grazing tenant consistently runs 45 pairs on 193 acres of grass. Heavy timber is bottom excellent for hunting. This place provides plenty of recreation. Hunting camp will make a great location for a home or cabin located in panhandle on aerial map. Private road requires 4WD when wet. Plenty of ponds(6) for livestock. Electric and phone lines to property, Mabank Co-op water nearby.
From Dallas take US 175 South approx 24 mi to Kemp, Left on FM 1391 for 6.25 mi, to FM 1836,Left 3 mi to community of Prairieville store, just across from FM 90 intersection. This .25 mile road is not paved, use caution in wet weather.