Looking for a pure timberland investment with recreational opportunities? Take a look at what the Kemper 242 has to offer. Located in Kemper County, MS, this secluded, 242.6 acre tract is situated approximately one hour north of Meridian and 25 miles east of Philadelphia. Frontage along two county roads provide access to the north and south end of the property. The property make-up primarily consists of 19 year old plantation pine along rolling terrain with small hardwood pockets along the stream beds. Approximately 60 years of the pine has recently been thinned, with the remaining timber ready to be thinned.
For recreational purposes, there is a primary trail that traverses the property, connecting the two county roads. No matter the wind, this will give you the option to approach your stands without bumping the wildlife. The tract is off the beaten path, and is in an area known for qu...
For recreational purposes, there is a primary trail that traverses the property, connecting the two county roads. No matter the wind, this will give you the option to approach your stands without bumping the wildlife. The tract is off the beaten path, and is in an area known for quality deer and good turkey numbers.
If you have been looking for that timberland investment with recreational opportunities, give The Kemper 242 a look!