This would make a great family compound and right on Goat Creek (both Sides owned). Three homes. The main home is the nicest. One little cabin which is one of the three homes. The first home on your left, as you enter the property, is now being used for storage. Estate sale coming soon. Relative lives in 5th wheel on the property and that is not part of this sale. Waterfront.
Property being sold as is where is. Survey being done of whole property to show improvements and to be flagged to show boundry lines. Deed says owners own both sides of Goat Creek. Swimming area cleared next to dam. If approaching from Hwy 27 and you cross the first bridge, look to your left at the dam. You can see the cleared area for swimming right next to the dam. New Survey done.
Main home has two bedrooms. I have not been in other home to measure or view it as it is full of items for the estate sale. Storage ...
Main home has two bedrooms. I have not been in other home to measure or view it as it is full of items for the estate sale. Storage building behind the home is also full of things to be kept or to be sold at sale. Sale coming up soon. Two in main home, two bedroom cabin and other home has 3 bedrooms and a total of 5 Bathrooms on property.
DIRECTIONS: From Hwy 27 going towards Ingram, go left onto Arcadia Loop. Cross bridge. First property on left. See sign. One of the heirs is living here now. Call for an Appointment