Property Highlights
Excellent Visibilty
Zoning: M1 - Industrial
Excellent Access
Approx 1380' SR 44 frontage!
Taxes: Approx $3000
2011 Traffic: 17,200
Property Description
With an optimum location on State Road 44, this parcel offers visibilty, access and full road frontage. 10 acres dry and additional acreage usable with engineering - approximately 8 acres is wet and/or pond area. The property lies 1.6 miles east of the Lake/Sumter county line and 2.25 miles west of US 27.
SR 44 provides a great opportunity as a busy corridor; The Villages newest town center, Brownwood Paddock Square, is almost complete on SR 44 in Sumter County to the west of this property and Leesburg/Lake County lies to the east.
Immediate neighborhood consists of industrial, commercial, agricultural and some residential properties.