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BBG03 Hunting / Timber Land

OK, this one is sure to have a lot on your wish list:

Start with Horton Springs. This year-round spring comes out from under an outcropping of rock and has been supplying clear cool water back to pioneer days, even before.

100 acres of timberland surrounded by thousands of other acres of timberland so it hunts big.

Sixty acres of the property were recently harvested and planted back in native shortleaf.

Thirty six acres are in mature pine plantations that lie along the flat ridgetops of the property. Just so you know, the 2016 drought hit these pines pretty hard and the stands were thinned to remove the trees that werent going to make it. They are in good shape now, but you will notice some of the dead wood in the stands.

The last four acres of the property are in stream zones that buffer an all year creek running through the property.

Hilltop views of rural Lawrence County which is ...

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