Name: Brugmann Farm
Price: $840,000
Size: Approx. 160 acres ml
Land Use: 149.4 Effective tillable acres (Lucas Co. FSA)
FSA Data: Corn base 86.4 - 98DY, Bean base 63 - 23DY (Lucas Co. FSA)
CSR: Sec 36 - 61.2, Sec 31 - 67.7, Sec 1 - 68.7 (Lucas Co. Assessor)
Tax: $2,402/yr (Lucas Co. Treasurer)
Possession: upon closing
Location: Approx. 5 mi W of Chariton, Iowa, then South on 280th Ave 1 mile. Farm lies in 3 different twps.
Comments: High quality, tillable farm ground is always in demand, and for those in search of it, can be difficult to come by. Consider this an excellent opportunity to obtain top-notch row-crop ground with flat and black soils. this property has all the attributes to become an excellent producer, and earn great income for the buyer with the foresight to take advantage of this opportunity while it is still available. Contact PPI for soil maps, aerial phot...
Comments: High quality, tillable farm ground is always in demand, and for those in search of it, can be difficult to come by. Consider this an excellent opportunity to obtain top-notch row-crop ground with flat and black soils. this property has all the attributes to become an excellent producer, and earn great income for the buyer with the foresight to take advantage of this opportunity while it is still available. Contact PPI for soil maps, aerial photos, plat maps and additional information about this property or schedule a showing today!