Cedar Grove Ranch, Deming, NM The Ranch is 37 +/- sections with excellent improvements with over 200,000 gallons +/- of water storage, 1,280 acres +/- of deeded land, 2,632 acres +/- NM state land, 19,802 acres +/- BLM lands, (23,714 acres +/- Total acreage), 7 solar wells +/-, 260 - 602 +/- feet deep, with 333 AYL plus 6 horses.
The main house is 3,900 sq ft +/- 3 bedrooms, 3 baths with two fireplaces with large country kitchen, bunk house has 400 sq ft +/- with 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom, both homes have metal roofs. The headquarters is complete with a barn, shop, garage, 100 x 40 shed row.
There are 2 sets of pipe corrals, the shipping pens has a scale & cattle chute. The fences good to newer condition with 5 miles of fence put in 2010, 6 pastures and 2 traps. The ranch is adequately watered with 7 solar wells, storage tanks, pipelines, & dirt tanks. Three wells have been drilled in 2005...
There are 2 sets of pipe corrals, the shipping pens has a scale & cattle chute. The fences good to newer condition with 5 miles of fence put in 2010, 6 pastures and 2 traps. The ranch is adequately watered with 7 solar wells, storage tanks, pipelines, & dirt tanks. Three wells have been drilled in 2005, 2015 & 2019. The ranch is lush with native grasses that include black grama grass, side oats grama, chamise, vine mesquite, bush muhley, 4 wing salt brush, sacaton & tobosa grass. Trees, Cactus & Brush include; cedar trees, ocotillo cactus, prickly pear cactus, yucca cactus, mesquite & creosote brush. Wildlife include; mule deer, pronghorn (antelope), javalina, coyote, grey fox, mountain lion, bobcat, gambels quail, blue quail, mourning dove, white wing dove, eurasion dove, varieties of desert snakes & lizards. This ranch has an even balance of hill country (6,000 feet +/- above elevation to flat county 4,200 feet +/-).