This waterfront chalet cottage is in very good condition, with many updates. The property has a park-like yard, huge pines and 200 feet of sandy beach shoreline on beautiful Milakokia Lake. This is an all sports lake known for good fishing and swimming. A large portion of the lake is undeveloped giving it that quintessential north woods feel. There is a large 40 x 80 pole barn for all of your toys and ample storage. If you are looking for a cottage on a high quality lake, this is exceptional. The access is off of US 2 in Gould City just a short drive from the Mackinac Bridge.
US 2 to E Milakokia Lake Rd, go south to Pike Lake Grade, take a left, approximately 3 miles turn right onto Fisher/Smith Ln, Follow to Champs Elysses Rd take left and then immediate right.