Cash Price: $16,999
Option 1: $1 down and $319 a month for 72 months
Option 2: $1 down and $369 a month for 60 months
Option 3: $1 down and $439 a month for 48 months
Parcel Number: 22-003-0223
County: Mower
State: Minnesota
Parcel Size: 0.30 acre
Legal Description: DIST:MO CITY:BROWNSDALE CITY VIL 10 103 17 22003 N132FT W100FT E195FT SUB OL 7 OF OL 16 .3AC
City: Brownsdale
Zip Code: 55918
GPS Center Coordinates: 43.741458, -92.859981
GPS Coordinates (4 Corners):
43.741626, -92.860160
43.741625, -92.859797
43.741264, -92.859791
43.741265, -92.860154
Elevation: 1286 ft.
Access to Property (Dirt or Paved): Paved
Zoning: R-1 Residential Single Family
Terrain: Flat
Time limit: None
Tax Amount: $4.00
HOA: None
Water: Contact the county
Sewer: Contact the county
Power: In the area
Doc Fee: $300