The Emmet North & Emmet South tracts will be offered by lump sum sealed bid on Friday, August 17, 2018, at 10:00 a.m. Bids may be submitted for either or both tracts.
Kingwood Forestry Services, Inc. has been authorized to manage the sale of two (2) tracts of timberland containing 10 + 24.7 acres (totaling 34.7 acres), more or less, in Nevada County, Arkansas.
Location: The Emmet North Tract (Listing #4664) and Emmet South Tract (Listing #4665) are located within one (1) mile south of Emmet and eight (8) miles northeast of Hope. Both tracts are further described below. Complete legal description from deed is printed on the back of the Offer Form. Both properties offer immediate timber income potential and excellent recreational opportunities.
Emmet North Tract (#4664): Part of the SW of SE lying west of the county road, Section 10, Township 12 South, Range 23 West, containing 10 ac...
Emmet North Tract (#4664): Part of the SW of SE lying west of the county road, Section 10, Township 12 South, Range 23 West, containing 10 acres, more or less, Nevada County, Arkansas (see attached maps). Access is frontage on Nevada County Road 14 / South Main Street. Merchantable timber consists of mature native pine and hardwood. Site index for loblolly pine averages 93 feet (base age 50) on Una silty loam and Amy silt loam soils. Kingwood Forestry conducted an inventory of merchantable timber (one plot/point per acre with four (4) cruise lines running north and south) in July 2018. Based on the inventory, estimated tree counts and timber volumes are as follows:
Pine Sawtimber: 255 Trees; 58,118 BF; 388 Tons
Pine Chip n Saw: 33 Trees; 1,181 BF; 14 Tons
Oak Sawtimber: 58 Trees; 6,055 BF; 51 Tons
Misc. Sawtimber; 30 Trees; 2,984 BF; 24 Tons
Pine Pulpwood: 68 Trees; 31 Tons
Hardwood Pulpwood: 460 Trees; 80 Tons
Emmet South Tract (#4665): Part of the NW of NE, Section 15, Township 12 South, Range 23 West, containing 24.7 acres, more or less, Nevada County, Arkansas (see attached maps). Access is through adjacent landowners, including the Emmet water ponds. Merchantable timber consists of native hardwood and pine. Site index for loblolly pine averages 90 feet (base age 50) on Una silty loam soils. Kingwood Forestry conducted an inventory of merchantable timber (one plot/point per acre with four (4) cruise lines running north and south) in July 2018. Based on the inventory, estimated tree counts and timber volumes are as follows:
Pine Sawtimber: 249 Trees; 29,280 BF; 226 Tons
Pine Chip n Saw: 24 Trees; 996 BF; 11 Tons
Oak Sawtimber: 206 Trees; 27,289 BF; 220 Tons
Misc. Sawtimber: 210 Trees 19,119 BF; 164 Tons
Pine Pulpwood: 78 Trees; 33 Tons
Hardwood Pulpwood: 2,300 Trees; 843 Tons
Due to variations in cruising methods, utilization standards and scaling practices, tree counts and volume estimates cannot be guaranteed. Volume reports in Tons and Board Feet are included. Additional timber volume reports (tree counts by species, diameter, and height) are available on our website.
Method of Sale: Both tracts will be sold on the basis of lump sum sealed bids. Bids may be submitted for either or both tracts. An offer form is attached. Bids will be opened at the Kingwood Forestry office at #4 Executive Circle, Arkadelphia, Arkansas at 10:00 a.m., Friday, August 17, 2018. Mailed offers should be addressed to Kingwood Forestry Services, Inc., P.O. Box 65, Arkadelphia, AR 71923 with Emmet Land Sales" clearly marked in the lower left corner of the envelope to protect security of the offer. On mailed offers, please call our office prior to bid opening to confirm receipt of offer. Offers may be delivered by fax to 870-246-3341 or by e-mail. All faxed/e-mailed offers will be immediately acknowledged; please await confirmation that your faxed/e-mailed offer has been received. No verbal telephone offers will be accepted. Buyers submitting offers are welcome to attend the bid opening. Anyone submitting a bid will be provided with a copy of bid results.