Join us on open house dates of September 12th, 13th, 18h, 29th and 30th from 8:00 A.M until Noon for Tract 1. Tract 2 tours will be from 1:00 P.M. until 5:00 P.M. weather permitting.
Vaughn-Roth Land Brokers is extremely honored to represent the family and members of T.R. McKinley Inc. with the marketing and sale of their ranch holdings in Norton County, Kansas. The McKinley brand is an iconic one in the cattle industry, both on its own and in conjunction with the well-respected McKinley-Winters brand of decades past. We will be offering these parcels in two separate tracts via online auction. Tract 1 contains 313 acres more or less and Tract 2 contains 2,223 acres more or less.
Tract 2 is located in Southern Norton County with the main access road being on the Graham County line. Totaling 2,223 acres more or less, this is one incredible contiguous tract of Native grass pasture. Resil...
Tract 2 is located in Southern Norton County with the main access road being on the Graham County line. Totaling 2,223 acres more or less, this is one incredible contiguous tract of Native grass pasture. Resilient Sideoats Grama, Blue Grama, Buffalo and Western Wheatgrass are the predominant Native grasses comprising this pasture. The topography of this tract features many substantial elevation changes providing both aesthetic beauty and wind protection for livestock. There are also multiple timbered draws which you cow-calf operators will find attractive.
The water on this parcel is supplied by a windmill and tank as well as a developed Spring serving the western and central portions while the eastern portion is served by a sizable pond. The perimeter fences are barbed wire that mostly rate from good to adequate with a short stretch on the south end needing some attention. The tenant also grazes the adjoining landowners pasture and the subject stretch is used by the cattle to go back and forth between the properties. The grazing tenant has expressed an interest in continuing the grazing lease if the Buyer has an interest in doing so.
If you are interested in expanding your cattle operations or investment portfolio, this is an opportunity you wont want to miss. Parcels of this quality and contiguous acres of Native grass dont come along often and it may be another hundred years before they change hands again. Please give Cameron Roth a call at 785-917-0867 to set up a tour or join us on open house dates of September 12th, 13th and 18th. Tract 2 tours will be from 1:00 P.M. until 5:00 P.M. weather permitting. Tract 1 tours will be from 8:00 A.M. until Noon.
Minerals: The Seller's mineral interests transfers to the Buyer.
Possession: Possession shall be at closing.
Taxes: $4,239.74
Brief Legal: A tract in S 22, 23, 25, 26 and 35, T 05, R 22 West of the 6th P.M. in Norton County, Kansas.