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Osage County Tillable


Totaling 95 acres more or less, this Southern Osage County property features 84.52 acres of cropland according to FSA records. The majority of the tillable soils are composed of Kenoma Silt Loam. Please find the soil map contained in the Downloads tab. There is a good farm tenant in place who would like to continue farming the property if possible. Theres an additional 178 acres more or less of pasture that adjoins this parcel that is for sell as well.


From Osage City, KS: Go 4 miles south on Burlingame Rd. to 277th Rd. and turn east. Follow for 1.75 miles and property begins on the north side


Contact Seller
Vaughn-Roth Land Brokers

Burlington, KS

(785) 302-9329

Provided By

Vaughn-Roth Land Brokers, (785) 302-9329
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