BULK SALE AVAILABLE: 28.91 acres =$2,250,000 or $1.78/sf
13.87 acres of Hwy 441: $1,750,000 or $126,171/acre or $2.89/SF
1 acre outparcels: $100,000/lot or $2.29/SF
Properties are located on the south side of Hwy 192/441 in St. Cloud, Osceola County, Florida. Zoned commercial/industrial. St. Cloud Utilities. 100% uplands.
Surrounding properties consist of vacant raw commercial and industrial land and there are office warehouse and light industrial buildings adjacent to the subject properties. There are a number of similar properties in the immediate area as well as large, highly recognized, national firms that have located in the immediate area (Chevrolet, BB&T, Wawa, Tuffy, Advanced Auto Parts, Badcock, Winn Dixie, Publix).
Road frontage: 1,300' on HWY 192/441; 670' on Old Hickory Tree Road; 990' on Hamlin Avenue; 528' on Murcott Drive; ...
Road frontage: 1,300' on HWY 192/441; 670' on Old Hickory Tree Road; 990' on Hamlin Avenue; 528' on Murcott Drive; 1,186' on Tileston Road.
Offering subject to errors, omission, prior sale or withdrawal without notice.