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75+/- Acres of Hunting and Tillable in Pratt County, Kansas.

75+/- Acres of Hunting and Tillable in Pratt County, Kansas.

Driving Directions: From Pratt Kansas head north east on HWY-61 approximately 9 miles to Preston. Turn at Preston on main street and travel 1 mile north to ne 90th st. At north east 90th st go east 1 mile. The farm is on the north side of the dirt road.

Legal Description: S/2 of S16-T26s-R11w.

For the Hunters: Located just outside of Pratt, Kansas this farm has a diverse offering for hunters, farmers, and investors. Located on the west side of the farm is a 4+/- acre wetland area where prior to the drought had great waterfowl hunting. The main wetland held the perfect 1-2' of water with plenty of vegitation for the mallards to feed on. There are also two other low spots in the pasture that will hold water in normal rainfall conditions. One big rain and the pond will be in shape for duck season. The property lays straight south o...

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Contact Seller
Red Cedar Land Co.

St. John, KS

(620) 293-7047