Minutes away from Booneville, this property has it all. Excellent road frontage on CR 7301, acres of rolling pasture and young planted pine, ponds, and an endless choice of trails for hiking, ATV access, or horseback riding. To top that off, a beautifully situated cabin complete with power, water and all the amenities waits to welcome you home after a long day. This property is offered as two parcels, or as a whole.
Parcel 1 boasts road frontage on paved CR 7301. Parcel 1 is approximately 118 acres and has planted pine, numerous trails, and open areas for food plots.
Parcel 2 is accessed by a private driveway off of CR 7131. Parcel 2 is approximately 209 acres, and has the cabin and most of the pastureland.
Please do not hesitate to look at this property. Buyers are constantly describing what they want : established trails, outfitted cabin, open grazing land and food pl...
Please do not hesitate to look at this property. Buyers are constantly describing what they want : established trails, outfitted cabin, open grazing land and food plots, running creeks and streams, established timber investment, all at a low price. Here it is!!
The maps that are provided will get you anywhere on the property. Feel free to spend as much time on it as you want, or call us for a tour. You won't be disappointed. Please do not hesitate to call us with your questions. All of the details regarding this sale can be found in the complete sales package on this website, or call and we will mail you a copy.
FROM: The intersection of Hwy 4 and Hwy 45 (4-lane) in Booneville, MS
To get to Parcel 1:
Continue west on HWY 4 for 5.3 miles to Jumpertown, where you will turn left (south) on CR 7301. Go 0.6 miles and you will be at the northwest corner of the property. Look for NRG signs that will indicate your location.
To get to Parcel 2:
Continue west from HWY 45 on HWY 4 for 3.7 miles to Jumpertown, where you will turn left (south) on CR 7131. Go 1.1 miles and turn right (west) onto a private gravel drive. Travel the private driveway for 0.8 miles to the east boundary line of Parcel 2. Again, look for NRG signs that will indicate your location.