This is a working cattle and hunting ranch which has been in the same family for more than 80 years, making this a unique opportunity to own a heritage West Texas ranch.
Black Hills Ranch is located in the Chihuahuan Desert of Texas, comprised of mid-elevation grasslands and scrubland of basin range topography between the Davis Mountains to the north, the Chinati Mountains to the west, and the Rio Grande River on the south. The ranch is located adjacent to large properties and has rugged but accessible hills with rock outcrops, as well as open flats, creating lots of interesting habitats.
There are north and south entrances on Highway 67 with winding mountain roads through the Black Hills, creating access from one end to the other. There is an older headquarters where the family lived and ranched decades ago. An extremely large concrete dam was built in the 1930s to provide irriga...
There are north and south entrances on Highway 67 with winding mountain roads through the Black Hills, creating access from one end to the other. There is an older headquarters where the family lived and ranched decades ago. An extremely large concrete dam was built in the 1930s to provide irrigation water to fields below, which the family still owns. Water rights will convey. The lake is all but silted-in but this artifact of the ranch creates a rich history.
A network of roads, wells, water storage tanks, and water troughs makes this a very desirable cattle and hunting ranch. In recent years, the ranch has been leased to a local rancher who has done much to improve the infrastructure while enhancing the range condition.
The landscape is wide-open rolling hills, canyons, grass and scrubland surrounded by rugged mountain ranges which can be seen from most places on the property. Classic Cattle County of the Old West, the Black Hills Ranch has maintained much of the environment and appearance of times past. This vast area lies in an elevation range between 5,150 and 4,400 feet allowing for a mix of vegetation from the mid to upper Chihuahuan Desert such as Spanish dagger, yucca, creosote and cholla with a mix of blue grama, black grama, bear grass, and side oats grama with scattered brush. Canyons and creeks have heavier brush like mesquite, desert willow, white brush, hackberry, and catclaw. Larger oaks and junipers cover the north slopes, providing excellent cover for wildlife.
This property is home to many species of birds, raptors, songbirds, and game birds such as Blue (Scaled) Quail, Morning Dove, and White Wing Dove as well as larger wildlife of the desert such as Desert Mule Deer and Javelina. The brush and grasses provide excellent habitat for these game and non-game animals. This is Chihuahuan Desert hunting land at its best and a nature lovers dream. There is a large population of Aoudad on the ranch and it is common to see groups of 20 to 30 at a time.
The headquarters is located a few miles to the interior with electricity and good water on an all-weather caliche road. There is a main house in need of repair at the old headquarters and a number of old barns and sheds with a large set of working pens nearby. Other improvements include older sets of smaller pens located around the ranch and a network of water lines and roads throughout the ranch.
There are four wells on the ranch and a number of water storage tanks and water troughs. A pipeline system transports water to strategic storage tanks in even the roughest part of the Black Hills. There are a number of surface tanks and a few large headers, as well. The large dam in Cibolo Creek is on the boundary with the Lake Ranch, which is owned by the Texas General Land Office and could be cleaned out to supply more year-round waters.
Black Hills Ranch is located 28 miles south of Marfa, Texas, fronting on the east side of US Highway 67 just north of Shafter and adjoining the Cibolo Creek Ranch runway to the south. This ranch is named after the Cerros Prietos (Black Hills) and contains some of the most scenic property in the Trans Pecos.