Woods Ranch
State: New Mexico
Region: East Central New Mexico
County: Quay
Property Type: Farm land with irrigation water rights
Acres: 480 acres more or less
Price: $1,042.00 per acre
Taxes: Approximately $625.44
Location: Southeast of Tucumcari, New Mexico
Krystal M. Nelson-NMQB #15892
This property is located approximately 11 miles east of Tucumcari, New Mexico on Old Hwy 66 to QR AF which is paved, thence 3 miles south on QR AF to QR 60, thence 3 miles west on QR 60 to the east boundary of the property.
This is a nice property which lays well for dryland farming or irrigation with 365.9 acres of water rights from the Arch Hurley Water District.
The Farm Service Agency has designated 472.93 acres of this property as farmland with 292.64 acres of the 472.93 acres being designated as cropland with 27.60 base acres of wheat and 265.10 base acres of grain sorghum.
This designation and the established allotments will certainly accommodate and facilitate placing the property under concentrated dryland or irrigated farming. There is a CONSERVATION RESERVE PROGRAM CONTRACT (year-round, annual grazing program) currently in effect on 180.29 acres of the property at $15.00 per acre per year from October 1, 2016 to September 30, 2031.
The property is currently being utilized by the owner for summer and/or winter grazing. It is fenced for livestock production with water for livestock being provided by a well equipped with a submersible electric motor and pump on electricity.
There is a broken area on the extreme west edge of the property which provides a break in the terrain and some protection for livestock.
There is an old rock house and barn in this broken area which apparently dates back to the late 1800s/early 1900s offering a small piece of the Old West!