57 ac irrigated/leveled crop land in Richland Parish, LA
There are 2 electric wells with risers to water this tract. Soils are a Necessity-Gilbert silt loam and Gigger silt loam. The tract fronts Hwy. 583 on the north and south ends.
There is a small cotton base on 24.4 acres. The tract was planted in cotton and rice in 2011 and is leased year to year on a 20% share.
This tract can be sold with an adjoining mitigation bank that is also listed with RecLand.
Minerals: Negotiable
Legal: Situated in Sec. 31, T18N, R8E in Richland Parish, LA
Asking Price: $216,600
Call 318.281.4900 or see RecLand.net for all our listings.