281 Acre Dairy and Broiler/Breeder Poultry Operation. Property has 2 dwellings, (5 bedroom, 2.5 bath, 2350 SF residence) and (3 bedroom, 1 bath tenant house). Some of the features: Double 10 Germania Parlor with Afifarm Computer, Auto Feeding System, Auto Wash, Waterbed Freestalls and Hoof Trimming Table, 60'x360' housing + bank barn addition for 325 milk cows with 319 stalls. Poultry: three 42'x300' Broiler/Breeder houses with George's contract. Built in 1992, tunnel ventilated in 2014, new nests in 2015 and 2016, and 50'x120' litter storage. A full list and description of features available upon request. Boundary descriptions not accurate due to map constraints on this website, please call agent for complete details, 540-271-2178.
From South Main St in Harrisonburg, Virginia to Pleasant Valley Rd, right on Spaders Church Rd. Farm lays on both sides of the road.