Location: 3 miles north of Lake Minatare on Henderson Road, or 7 miles east and 9.5 miles north of Scottsbluff, Nebraska.
Legal Description: N1/2 Section 14; All Sections 15, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 34, 35; E1/2, SW1/4 Section 27-T24N-R54W; All Section 30-T24N-R53W of the 6th PM, Sioux County, NE. NE1/4, Part N1/2SE1/4, Part NE1/4SW1/4, NE, Pt. N1/2SE, Pt. NESW, Pt. NW Section 1-T23N-R54W of the 6th PM, Scottsbluff County, NE. School Lease - All of Section 36-T24N-R54W of the 6th PM, Sioux County, NE.
Land Use: Hardland summer range.
Acres: 7,553 total consisting of 6,912.96 acres deeded, 640 acre State lease.
Taxes: 2011 Real Estate Taxes payable in 2012 - $14,770.71 or $2.14 per acre.
Pastures: Cross-fenced into 9 pastures and watered by 14 windmills with bottomless tanks, 3 submersible wells and pipeline, for a total of 21 water sites. Access from county graveled Henderson Road....
Pastures: Cross-fenced into 9 pastures and watered by 14 windmills with bottomless tanks, 3 submersible wells and pipeline, for a total of 21 water sites. Access from county graveled Henderson Road.
Price: $2,280,000.00 or $330/acre
Comments: Excellent pasture for yearlings or pairs.
Contact: Bruce Dodson Listing Agent, 308-539-4455
Mike Polk, Loren Johnson, Jerry Weaver, Dallas Dodson, Roger Luehrs