This 637 acre block of land in the Mt. Shasta Trinity National Forest has a rare setting along the northeast shoreline of Castle Lake, the largest of 25 alpine lakes within the Upper Sacramento Watershed, and home to Castle Lake Environmental Research and Education Program at University of California, Davis, which is the longest running program of its kind in America.The Castle Lake Tract may have the most significant combination of conservation and recreation development opportunity for a large block of private land in Northwest California, with year-round access from I-5.
The property includes frontage along Castle Lake, and has a spectacular landscape of granite outcrops, lush meadows with wildflowers, secluded Little Castle Lake, and an estimated 14 million board feet of primarily white and red fir, including old growth, some of which is over 200 years old. Please see Supplemental I...
The property includes frontage along Castle Lake, and has a spectacular landscape of granite outcrops, lush meadows with wildflowers, secluded Little Castle Lake, and an estimated 14 million board feet of primarily white and red fir, including old growth, some of which is over 200 years old. Please see Supplemental Information Package for Timber Inventory Report. Additionally, the entire property is zoned RRB-40 by Siskiyou County, which allows residential uses, and campground development. Almost two-thirds of this nearly one square mile of private property is within the 10,500 acre Castle Crags Wilderness.
The combination of accessibility, size, zoning, landscape, and location, within the wilderness area, provides a new owner with an exceptional opportunity to incorporate both private recreation development, and conservation values, within northern California Shasta-Trinity Region.
Castle Lake Trailhead starts near the northwest corner of the property, and runs east through the property by Little Castle Lake to Mt. Bradley, and then connects to the Pacific Crest Trail, and to Castle Crags State Park. U.S. Forest Service does not currently have an easement for the Castle Lake Trail, which could be part of an overall conservation plan to obtain additional values from the property.
Siskiyou County RRB-40 zoning provides unusual opportunity for a new owner to consider options for development of a private lakefront retreat, seasonal base camp complex by Little Castle Lake, or division of the 637 acre tract for use by multiple owners.
Castle Lake is a popular day use destination in the Mt. Shasta area for fishing, kayaking, boating, swimming, cross country skiing and snow showing, due to its year round access. Castle Lake Campground is located one-fourth mile north of the lake. University of California, Davis Environmental Program maintains research equipment which is located along the west shore of the lake, and along the steep granite wall of the south shore.
Topography of the 637 acre Castle Lake tract is a mix of steep to moderate slopes, with a series of lush meadows known for wildflowers that are near, and northeast of, Little Castle Lake. Castle Lake Trail provides access west to Heart Lake. The headwaters of both Castle Creek and Nye Creek are located on the auction property, and are tributary to headwaters of Upper Sacramento River. Acquisition of the 637 acre Castle Lake Tract could provide significant conservation values to a new owner who obtains a working Forest Conservation Easement which restricts most timber harvests, and extinguishes all or most development rights under the Rural Residential Agricultural Zoning.
This property is being sold in sealed bid auction with bids due July 26, 2019. Contact listing broker for Supplemental Information Package with bid documents.
Township 39 North, Range 4 West, Section 19, APN 030-190-010-000, Siskiyou County, California