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Size: 175.76 Acres

175.76 Acres in Ames, IA - $746,900

This land is a mix of good quality tillable, Conservation Reserve Program and pasture that lays on the east side of the Skunk River approximately 2 miles south of Ames. There are three tillable fields with an average CSR of 86.6. The CRP and timber lay against the Skunk River. CRP has only been in the program for 2 payments thus may be economical for new owner to take it out if they wish. The pasture is in 2 fields to the north and south with a lane connecting the both. Cattle are presently in the north pasture but will be moved to the south soon. There is a well and tank or hydrant at both pastures. Farm is leased on a crop share lease on the cropland and cash on the pasture. The lease will be open for 2014. Access to the north portion is north of the green gates where 260th turns south.

This land will fit both the investor with recreation & income desires as well as the diversif...

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