Prune Orchard For Sale!
Location: From Interstate 5 in Corning, CA. Take the Corning Road Exit. Go West for 7.5 miles. Property is on the south side of the road behind a locked gate.
APN#: Tehama County Assessor Parcel Number: 061-260-011
Orchard: Denny Prune Orchard. The plantings are as follows:
1/2 Ranch Planted Potted Trees Oct 2014: Denny Prunes, M40 rootstock 1714 Spacing
1/2 Ranch Planted Potted Trees Nov 2015: Denny Prunes, 29C rootstock 1712 Spacing
Yield History is Available to Qualified Buyers Upon Request.
Soils: The soils are suitable for prunes. Please review the attached soils map.
Water: The orchard is irrigated by 2 deep water wells. The following are the well specs:
Well #1: 564 feet deep, 240 Horsepower, 1400 Gallons Per Minute
Well #2: 650 feet deep, 240 Horsepower, 1800 Gallons Per Minute
Well #3: 569 feet deep (not in use, for backup only)...
Well #3: 569 feet deep (not in use, for backup only) tested at 850 Gallons Per Minute
Water quality and test pump results are available upon request.
The orchard is irrigated by dual drip irrigation.
Leases: The property is farmed by the owner and there are no leases.
Oil, Gas, & Mineral Rights: The oil gas & mineral rights have been retained by previous owners of this property.
Taxes: The property is enrolled in the Williamson Act. The property taxes will remain low at the close of escrow.
Price: $5,729,000 or $17,000 per acre
Terms: Cash at the close of escrow
Comments: This is great young producing prune orchard. Prunes have quietly become one of Californias most profitable crops. Dennys are similar to French Prunes, but flower and harvest earlier. Its been very well cared for with excellent management. This is a large high-quality orchard and is one a few Prune Orchards to come on the market. Please call Charter Realty for a private showing today!