Great site for a business that needs convenient location, visibility, and space, re zoning may be required.1.44 Surveyed acres of mostly high ground and good soils(Faceville Loamy Sand) with 430' of Hwy Frontage, 294' Depth, and 437' across the back.. Excellent Visibility. Good Traffic Counts. Property is currently zoned AG. Check Thomas County Permitted use table for what is allowed with AG Zoning. It might surprise you. (Residential, Kennel, Forestry Services, Ag Services, Child/Adult Care, Religious, etc. Old service pole is on property. (Was told there is a a septic and well that was used years ago...verify, not confirmed) This is an excellent property to rezone for commercial use or limited commercial use for someone who needs a shop or working area near town. Any re-zoning would likely need support of Memorial Gardens Cemetery Owners. Property is wooded and buffered from road for P...
Great site for a business that needs convenient location, visibility, and space, re zoning may be required.1.44 Surveyed acres of mostly high ground and good soils(Faceville Loamy Sand) with 430' of Hwy Frontage, 294' Depth, and 437' across the back.. Excellent Visibility. Good Traffic Counts. Property is currently zoned AG. Check Thomas County Permitted use table for what is allowed with AG Zoning. It might surprise you. (Residential, Kennel, Forestry Services, Ag Services, Child/Adult Care, Religious, etc. Old service pole is on property. (Was told there is a a septic and well that was used years ago...verify, not confirmed) This is an excellent property to rezone for commercial use or limited commercial use for someone who needs a shop or working area near town. Any re-zoning would likely need support of Memorial Gardens Cemetery Owners. Property is wooded and buffered from road for Privacy or could be cleared for improved visibility and space requirement. Similar Ag Zoned property up the road was rezoned for commercial use a few years back for a Dollar General. City Water available on Inman Lane. Check with City for letter of availability. Property located near median crossovers.
The proximity to town and the size of the lot really make this a good site for a business. If needed for commercial use....make the offer subject to rezoning.