This well-established Horseshoe Curve hunting preserve is located approximately 15 miles west of Pendleton, Oregon on 305 +/- acres with 1.5 miles of Umatilla River frontage. This property contains year-round recreation in addition to the pheasant hunting. The river shore has a mixed tree species and is home to a White-tail deer population. The backwaters of the Umatilla River provide a terrific duck and goose hunting opportunity. The Umatilla River has an established run of Steelhead and Salmon with several good fishing holes within the ownership. One 4,000 sq. ft. lodge, one home, one guest house, and other outbuildings make this property a turn-key business opportunity, or a property for three families to live on. Each home is fully furnished and they are in top condition.
Lodge - 4,000 sq. ft. 4 bedroom, 5 bath, living room, dining room, bar, utility room, locker room,...
Lodge - 4,000 sq. ft. 4 bedroom, 5 bath, living room, dining room, bar, utility room, locker room, gear room
House 1 - 3,000 sq. ft. 4 bed, 4 bath, living room, bar, pantry, locker room, 1 fireplace inside, 1 fireplace outside
House 2 - 2,400 sq. ft. total - 1,200 sq. ft., 3 bed, 2 bath on main level, 1,200 sq. ft. lower level has separate outside entrances for 2 one-bedroom, 1 bath suites with living rooms
All houses are completely furnished with only a few art pieces to be retained by Seller
Shop - 30X50, 1,500 sq. ft. with cooler, bird cleaning station, maintenance shop
Shop - 30 X30, power, one big game cleaning bay is 10 X30 with refrigerator and freezers
Shop - storage
Access: Old Pendleton to Echo paved highway
Acreage:304 +/- acres
182.5 Irrigated Acres:
80 acres irrigated with 12 yr. old Valley center pivots one 30 acre & one 50 acre
20 acres irrigated by permanent handlines
30 acres irrigated bottom ground irrigated by big gun, wheel-lines and hand-lines
river field (down across the bridge) has 45 acres irrigated by wheel-lines
7.5 additional acres irrigated by hand-lines
1.6+/- miles of Umatilla River frontage
132.5 acres range
Domestic well for homes recently updated
2 pivots, 9 wheel-lines, 2 big guns, loads of handline (enough to permanently set the remaining irrigated ground) so no moving handline every day
2 Irrigation Wells-
#1 - 235' deep static level at 130 ft. /- 350GPM
#2 primarily irrigates the pivots
Water rights-
Umatilla River for the pivot ground and the river field until June 5th. After June 5th, the pivots go to the 2 well/30hp pump with 400 gpm
The river field has 28-acre feet from McKay to continue irrigating
The ranch is zoned Exclusive Farm Use (EFU) for 300 acres and a 5 acre separate tax lot, with home, under EFU Rural use
Property Taxes: 2021-22 $10,917.96
Umatilla County:
Umatilla County was created on September 27, 1862, out of a portion of Wasco County. Umatilla is an Indian term meaning "rippling water" or "water rippling over sand" and has provided the name both for the county and its major river. Lewis and Clark and pioneers traveling the Oregon Trail passed through the area. The gold rush of 1862 brought miners and stock raisers to the mountains and grasslands of Umatilla County. The county expanded after the coming of the railroad in 1881 and the area was open to the development of dry land wheat farming. The fertile land of Umatilla County gives a strongly agricultural base to the county's economy. Fruit, grain, timber, cattle, and sheep are important agricultural products. Recreation, primarily in the Blue Mountains, and tourism, most notably for the annual Pendleton Round-Up rodeo, are also important to the local